Trouble booking a tee time? Read the following:
1) You need to create an account if you haven't already
2) Underneath sign in, you will see "No account, register now." Click register now
3) Fill out the required information. Your email will be your USERNAME for booking tee times. This is important.
4) The first time you book a tee time, you will be asked for credit card information to complete the tee time. This is required. You will NOT be charged for your tee time.
5) There is one pre-paid tee time a day. Please know we cannot refund you at the course due to cancellation or inclement weather. You need to go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6) Check the weather. The 11:00 February shotguns are weather dependent.
For tee times at our sister course, Stonebridge Golf Club, please click HERE.